4574 Clement Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 info@catherineshaffer.com 404-507-0653

Answering readers’ Questions

Even though I am a fictional writer I get asked some of the oddest questions by my readers, everything from my inspiration for some of my articles down to suggestions for taking care of their pets. I must have given away a little too much information in my books, or my readers confuse some of my characters with my real life. So today I’ve decided to have some fun and reply to some of the questions that have been asked of me. I haven’t mentioned any names, but maybe sometimes a location. Hopefully your questions have been answered and if not, I do apologise but I picked these at random and in no particular order. Deepening on how this goes I may be obligated to write a second one in the future. I hope you enjoy the article.

Where did I find my early inspiration?

When I was younger my parents introduced me to a host of books and authors at exactly the right age. I developed what I like to call the Matilda complex. I read dozens of books a year as I grew up. From this was both my inspiration and motivation as I wanted to create these incredible worlds that my favourite authors did and entertain kids just like me as much as they did. I remember thinking of how smart you must be to create an entire fantasy world. Then one day I began to do the same and I realised it’s not the difficult part, but writing it is, as you explore this new world more and more.

How to maintain a clean work space:

As a write, it is a pretty difficult task to do, I have books and papers strewn around my house. I constantly lose drafts and discover them weeks later. By then I’ve already moved on to a new project, sometimes its fun, but often times it is a huge pain which I have to overcome every few weeks by giving the house a good once over. Though I have a friend who uses livermore janitorial cleaning for her office space, I prefer to do it myself. She swears that if it is more than a home, then get in the professionals, the time and cost are easily saved by the work that these people put in the cleaning you work space for you. I am no expert but with how often I have to clean my own home I am very tempted to bring in the professionals myself.

questions and answers

Is it easy to write?

Yes and no. It took me a long time to develop my voice and my own style of writing. For years I thought I was being unique and individual, then I noticed how similar my work and many other writers was. We just read so much of each other we mimed each other’s work and it led to people not seeing any difference. When I developed my own voice, then it became much easier for me.

I hoped you like reading some of my replies to your questions.